
This module is defined such that operation on ode are all gathered in one place. Future extension of operations should be added here

class pygom.model.deterministic.DeterministicOde(state=None, param=None, derived_param=None, transition=None, birth_death=None, ode=None)

This contains the interface and operation built above the already defined set of ode

state: list

A list of states (string)

param: list

A list of the parameters (string)

derived_param: list

A list of the derived parameters (tuple of (string,string))

transition: list

A list of transition (Transition)

birth_death: list

A list of birth or death process (Transition)

ode: list

A list of ode (Transition)

adjoint(state, t, state_param, func=None)

Compute the adjoint given the adjoint vector, time, state variable and the objective function. Note that this function is very restrictive in the sense that the (original) state variable changes through time but this assumes it is a constant, i.e. we assume that the original system is linear.

state: array like

The current value of lambda, where lambda’s are the Lagrangian multipliers of the differential equation.

t: double

The current time.

state_param: array like

The state vector that is (or maybe) required to evaluate the jacobian of the original system

func: callable

This should take inputs similar to an ode, i.e. of the form func(y,t). If j(y,t) is the cost function, then func is a function that calculates \(\partial j \over \partial x\).


output of the same length as the ode


The size of lambda should be the same as the state. The integral should be starting from T, the final time of the original system and is integrated backwards (for stability).

adjoint_T(t, state, state_param, func=None)

Same as adjoint() but with t as first parameter

adjoint_interpolate(state, t, interpolant, func=None)

Compute the adjoint given the adjoint vector, time, the functions which was used to interpolate the state variable

state: array like

The current value of lambda, where lambda’s are the Lagrangian multipliers of the differential equation.

t: double

The current time.

interpolant: list

list of interpolating functions of the state

func: callable

This should take inputs similar to an ode, i.e. of the form func(y,t). If j(y,t) is the cost function, then func is a function that calculates \(\partial j \over \partial x\).


output of the same length as the ode

adjoint_interpolate_T(t, state, interpolant, objInput=None)

Same as adjoint_interpolate() but with t as first parameter

adjoint_interpolate_jacobian(state, t, interpolant, func=None)

Compute the Jacobian of the adjoint given the adjoint vector, time, function of the interpolation on the state variables and the objective function. This is simply the same as the negative Jacobian of the ode transposed.

state: array like

The current value of lambda, where lambda’s are the Lagrangian multipliers of the differential equation.

t: double

The current time.

interpolant: list

list of interpolating functions of the state

func: callable

This should take inputs similar to an ode, i.e. of the form func(y,t). If j(y,t) is the cost function, then func is a function that calculates \(\partial j \over \partial x\).


output of is a two dimensional array of size [number of state x number of state]

See also



Same as adjoint_jacobian() but takes a list of interpolating function instead of a single (vector) value

adjoint_interpolate_jacobian_T(t, state, interpolant, func=None)

Same as adjoint_interpolate_jacobian() but with t as first parameter

adjoint_jacobian(state, t, state_param, func=None)

Compute the jacobian of the adjoint given the adjoint vector, time, state variable and the objective function. This is simply the same as the negative jacobian of the ode transposed.

state: array like

The current value of lambda, where lambda’s are the Lagrangian multipliers of the differential equation.

t: double

The current time.

state_param: array like

The state vector that is (or maybe) required to evaluate the jacobian of the original system

func: callable

This should take inputs similar to an ode, i.e. of the form func(y,t). If j(y,t) is the cost function, then func is a function that calculates \(\partial j \over \partial x\).


output of is a two dimensional array of size [number of state x number of state]

See also



It takes the same number of argument as the adjoint for simplicity when integrating.

adjoint_jacobian_T(t, state, state_param, func=None)

Same as adjoint_jacobian_T() but with t being the first parameter

diff_jacobian(state, t)

Evaluate the differential of jacobian given state and time

state: array like

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

t: double

The current time


Matrix of dimension [number of state x number of state]

diff_jacobian_T(t, state)

Same as diff_jacobian() but with t as first parameter

eval_diff_jacobian(parameters=None, time=None, state=None)

Evaluate the differential of the jacobian given parameters, state and time. An extension of diff_jacobian() but now also include the parameters.

parameters: list

see parameters()

time: double

The current time

state: array list

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

numpy.matrix or mpmath.matrix

Matrix of dimension [number of state x number of state]

See also



Name and order of state and time are also different.

eval_forwardforward(FF, S, state, t)

Evaluate a single f(x) of the forward-forward sensitivities

FF: array like

this is in fact a 3rd order Tensor, aka 3d array

S: array like

sensitivities in matrix form

state: array like

the current state

t: numeric



f(x) of size [number of state * (number of parameters * number of parameters)]

eval_grad(parameters=None, time=None, state=None)

Evaluate the gradient given parameters, state and time. An extension of grad() but now also include the parameters.

parameters: list

see parameters()

time: double

The current time

state: array list

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

numpy.matrix or mpmath.matrix

Matrix of dimension [number of state x number of state]

See also



Name and order of state and time are also different.

eval_grad_jacobian(parameters=None, time=None, state=None)

Evaluate the jacobian of the gradient given parameters, state and time. An extension of grad_jacobian() but now also include the parameters.

parameters: list

see parameters()

time: double

The current time

state: array list

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

numpy.matrix or mpmath.matrix

Matrix of dimension [number of state x number of state]

See also

grad_jacobian(), get_grad_jacobian_eqn()


Name and order of state and time are also different.

eval_hessian(parameters=None, time=None, state=None)

Evaluate the hessian given parameters, state and time. An extension of hessian() but now also include the parameters.

parameters: list

see parameters()

time: double

The current time

state: array list

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list


list of dimension number of state, each with matrix [number of parameters x number of parameters] in sympy.matricies.matricies

See also

grad(), eval_grad()
eval_jacobian(parameters=None, time=None, state=None)

Evaluate the jacobian given parameters, state and time. An extension of jacobian() but now also include the parameters.

parameters: list

see parameters()

time: double

The current time

state: array list

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

numpy.matrix or mpmath.matrix

Matrix of dimension [number of state x number of state]

See also



Name and order of state and time are also different.

eval_ode(parameters=None, time=None, state=None)

Evaluate the ode given time, state and parameters. An extension of ode() but now also include the parameters.

parameters: list

see parameters()

time: numeric

The current time

state: array like

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

numpy.matrix or mpmath.matrix

output of the same length as the ode.

See also



There are differences between the output of this function and ode(). Name and order of state and time are also different.

eval_sens_jacobian_state(time=None, state=None, sens=None)

Evaluate the jacobian of the sensitivities w.r.t the states given parameters, state and time. An extension of sens_jacobian_state() but now also include the parameters.

parameters: list

see parameters()

time: double

The current time

state: array list

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

numpy.matrix or mpmath.matrix

Matrix of dimension [number of state x number of state]

See also



Name and order of state and time are also different.

eval_sensitivity(S, t, state, by_state=False)

Evaluate the sensitivity given state and time

S: array like

Which should be numpy.ndarray. The starting sensitivity of size [number of state x number of parameters]. Which are normally zero or one, depending on whether the initial conditions are also variables.

t: double

The current time

state: array like

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

by_state: bool

how we want the output to be arranged. Default is True so that we have a block diagonal structure


See also



It is different to eval_ode() and eval_jacobian() in that the extra input argument is not a parameter

eval_sensitivityIV(S, IV, t, state)

Evaluate the sensitivity with initial values given state and time

S: array like

Which should be numpy.ndarray. The starting sensitivity of size [number of state x number of parameters]. Which are normally zero or one, depending on whether the initial conditions are also variables.

IV: array like

sensitivities for the initial values

t: double

The current time

state: array like

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list


\(f(s(x,\theta))\) and \(f(s(x_{0}))\)

See also



It is different to eval_ode() and eval_jacobian() in that the extra input argument is not a parameter.

forwardforward(ff, t, state, s)

Evaluate a single \(f(x)\) of the forward-forward sensitivities

ff: array like

the forward-forward sensitivities in vector form

t: numeric


state: array like

the current state

s: array like

forward sensitivities in vector form


\(f(x)\) of size [number of state * (number of parameters * number of parameters)]

forwardforward_T(t, ff, s, state)

Same as forwardforward() but with t as the first parameter


Returns the jacobian differentiate w.r.t. states in algebraic form


list of size (num of state,) each with sympy.matrices.matrices of dimension [number of state x number of state]


Return the gradient of the ode in algebraic form


A matrix of dimension [number of state x number of parameters]


Return the jacobian of the gradient in algebraic form


A matrix of dimension [number of state * number of parameters x number of state]

See also


Return the Hessian of the ode in algebraic form


list of dimension number of state, each with matrix [number of parameters x number of parameters] in sympy.matricies.matricies


We deliberately return a list instead of a 3d array of a tensor to avoid confusion


Returns the jacobian in algebraic form


A matrix of dimension [number of state x number of state]


Find the algebraic equations of the ode system.


ode in matrix form

get_transition_graph(file_name=None, show=True)

Returns the transition graph using graphviz

file_name: str, optional

name of the output file, defaults to None

show: bool, optional

If the graph should be plotted, defaults to True

grad(state, time)

Evaluate the gradient given state and time

state: array like

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

t: numeric

The current time


Matrix of dimension [number of state x number of parameters]

grad_T(t, state)

Same as grad_T() but with t as first parameter

grad_jacobian(state, time)

Evaluate the Jacobian of the gradient given state and time

state: array like

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

t: numeric

The current time


Matrix of dimension [number of state x number of parameters]

See also

grad_jacobianT(t, state)

Same as grad_jacobian() but with t as first parameter

hessian(state, time)

Evaluate the hessian given state and time

state: array like

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

t: double

The current time


list of dimension number of state, each with matrix [number of parameters x number of parameters] in sympy.matricies.matricies


Return the initial state values


Return the initial time


Returns the initial values, both time and state as a tuple (x0, t0)

integrate(t, full_output=False)

Integrate over a range of t when t is an array and a output at time t

t: array like

the range of time points which we want to see the result of

full_output: bool

if we want additional information

integrate2(t, full_output=False, method=None)

Integrate over a range of t when t is an array and a output at time t. Select a suitable method to integrate when method is None.

t: array like

the range of time points which we want to see the result of

full_output: bool

if we want additional information

method: str, optional

the integration method. All those available in ode are allowed with ‘vode’ and ‘ivode’ representing the non-stiff and stiff version respectively. Defaults to None, which tries to choose the integration method via eigenvalue analysis (only one) using the initial conditions

is_stiff(state=None, t=None)

Test on the eigenvalues of the jacobian. We classify the problem as stiff if any of the eigenvalues are positive

state: array like

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

t: double

The current time


eigenvalues of the system given input

jacobian(state, t)

Evaluate the jacobian given state and time

state: array like

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

t: double

The current time


Matrix of dimension [number of state x number of state]

jacobian_T(t, state)

Same as jacobian() but with t as first parameter

jacobian_eigenvalue(state=None, t=None)

Find out the eigenvalues of the jacobian given state and time. If None is given, the initial values are used.

state: array like

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

t: double

The current time


True if any eigenvalue is positive


To check whether the input ode is linear


True if it is linear, False otherwise

ode(state, t)

Evaluate the ode given state and time

state: array like

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

t: double

The current time


output of the same length as the ode

ode_T(t, state)

Same as ode() but with t as the first parameter

ode_and_forwardforward(state_param, t)

Evaluate a single f(x) of the ode and the forward-forward sensitivities

state_param: array like

state and forward-forward sensitivities in vector form

t: numeric



same size as the state_param input

ode_and_forwardforward_T(t, state_param)

Same as odeAndForwardForward() but with time as the first input

ode_and_forwardforward_jacobian(state_param, t)

Return the jacobian after evaluation given the input of the state and the forward forward sensitivities

state_param: array like

state and forward-forward sensitivities in vector form

t: numeric



size of (a,a) where a is the length of the state_param input

ode_and_forwardforward_jacobian_T(t, state_param)

Same as ode_and_forwardforward_jacobian() but with t being the first parameters

ode_and_sensitivity(state_param, t, by_state=False)

Evaluate the sensitivity given state and time

state_param: array like

The current numerical value for the states as well as the sensitivities values all in one. We assume that the state values comes first.

t: double

The current time

by_state: bool

Whether the output vector should be arranged by state or by parameters. If False, then it means that the vector of output is arranged according to looping i,j from Sensitivity_{i,j} with i being the state and j the param. This is the preferred way because it leds to a block diagonal Jacobian


concatenation of 2 element. First contains the ode, second the sensitivity. Both are of type numpy.ndarray

See also

sensitivity(), ode()
ode_and_sensitivityIV(state_param, t)

Evaluate the sensitivity given state and time

state_param: array like

The current numerical value for the states as well as the sensitivities values all in one. We assume that the state values comes first.

t: double

The current time


concatenation of 3 element. First contains the ode, second the sensitivity, then the sensitivity of the initial value. All of them are of type numpy.ndarray

See also

sensitivity(), ode()
ode_and_sensitivityIV_T(t, state_param)

Same as ode_and_sensitivityIV() but with t as first parameter

ode_and_sensitivityIV_jacobian(state_param, t)

Evaluate the sensitivity given state and time. Output a block diagonal sparse matrix as default.

state_param: array like

The current numerical value for the states as well as the sensitivities values all in one. We assume that the state values comes first.

t: double

The current time

byState: bool

How the output is arranged, according to the vector of output. It can be in terms of state or parameters, where by state means that the jacobian is a block diagonal matrix.


output of a square matrix of size: number of ode + 1 times number of parameters

See also

ode_and_sensitivityIV_jacobian_T(t, state_param)

Same as ode_and_sensitivityIV_jacobian() but with t as first parameter

ode_and_sensitivity_T(t, state_param, by_state=False)

Same as ode_and_sensitivity() but with t as first parameter

ode_and_sensitivity_jacobian(state_param, t, by_state=False)

Evaluate the sensitivity given state and time. Output a block diagonal sparse matrix as default.

state_param: array like

The current numerical value for the states as well as the sensitivities values all in one. We assume that the state values comes first.

t: double

The current time

by_state: bool

How the output is arranged, according to the vector of output. It can be in terms of state or parameters, where by state means that the jacobian is a block diagonal matrix.


output of a square matrix of size: number of ode + 1 times number of parameters

See also

ode_and_sensitivity_jacobian_T(t, state_param, by_state=False)

Same as ode_and_sensitivity_jacobian() but with t as first parameter


Plot the results of the integration


If we have 3 states or more, it will always be arrange such that it has 3 columns. Uses the operation from odeutils


Prints the ode in symbolic form onto the screen/console in actual symbols rather than the word of the symbol.

latex_output: bool, optional

Defaults to false which prints the equation in terms of symbols, if set to yes then the formula in terms of latex equations will be printed onto the screen.

sens_jacobian_state(state_param, t)

Evaluate the jacobian of the sensitivity w.r.t. the state given state and time

state_param: array like

The current numerical value for the states as well as the sensitivities, which can be numpy.ndarray or list

t: double

The current time


Matrix of dimension [number of state * number of parameters x number of state]

sens_jacobian_state_T(t, state)

Same as sens_jacobian_state_T() but with t as first parameter

sensitivity(sens, t, state, by_state=False)

Evaluate the sensitivity given state and time. The default is to output the values by parameters, i.e. \(s_{i},\ldots,s_{i+n}\) are partial derivatives w.r.t. the states for \(i \in {1,1+p,1+2p,1+3p, \ldots, 1+(n-1)p}\). This is to take advantage of the fact that we have a block diagonal jacobian that was already evaluated

sens: array like

The starting sensitivity of size [number of state x number of parameters]. Which are normally zero or one, depending on whether the initial conditions are also variables.

t: double

The current time

state: array like

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

by_state: bool

how we want the output to be arranged. Default is True so that we have a block diagonal structure

sensitivityIV(sensIV, t, state)

Evaluate the sensitivity which include the initial values as our parameters given state and time. The default is to output the values by parameters, i.e. \(s_{i},\ldots,s_{i+n}\) are partial derivatives w.r.t. the states for \(i \in {1,1+p,1+2p,1+3p, \ldots, 1+(n-1)p}\). This is to take advantage of the fact that we have a block diagonal Jacobian that was already evaluated.

sensIV: array like

The starting sensitivity of size [number of state x number of parameters] + [number of state x number of state] for the initial condition. The latter is an identity matrix at time zero.

t: double

The current time

state: array like

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list


output of the same length as the ode

sensitivityIV_T(t, sensIV, state)

Same as sensitivityIV() but with t as first parameter

sensitivity_T(t, sens, state, by_state=False)

Same as sensitivity() but with t as first parameter