
Utilities used throughout the package.

class pygom.model.ode_utils.shapeAdjust(numState, numParam, numTarget=None)

A class that change vector into matrix and vice versa for vectors used in DeterministicOde

numState: int

number of states

numParam: int

number of parameters

numTarget: int, optional

number of targeted states, default assumes that this is the same as numState

kronParam(A, pre=False)

A sparse multiplication with an identity matrix of size equal to the number of parameters as initialized

A: array like

a 2d array

pre: bool, optional

If True, then returns \(I \otimes A\). If False then \(A \otimes I\), where \(A\) is the input matrix, \(I\) is the identity matrix and \(\otimes\) is the kron operator

kronState(A, pre=False)

A sparse multiplication with an identity matrix of size equal to the number of state as initialized

A: array like

a 2d array

pre: bool, optional

If True, then returns \(I \otimes A\). If False then \(A \otimes I\), where \(A\) is the input matrix, \(I\) is the identity matrix and \(\otimes\) is the kron operator


Transforms the forward forward sensitivity matrix to a vector


Transforms the sensitivity matrix to a vector


Transforms the forward forward sensitivity vector to a matrix


Transforms the sensitivity vector to a matrix

pygom.model.ode_utils.integrate(ode, x0, t, full_output=False)

A wrapper on top of odeint using DeterministicOde.

ode: object

of type DeterministicOde

t: array like

the time points including initial time

full_output: bool, optional

If the additional information from the integration is required

pygom.model.ode_utils.integrateFuncJac(func, jac, x0, t0, t, args=(), includeOrigin=False, full_output=False, method=None, nsteps=10000)

A replacement for scipy.integrate.odeint which performs integration using scipy.integrate.ode, tries to pick the correct integration method at the start through eigenvalue analysis

func: callable

the ode \(f(x)\)

jac: callable

jacobian of the ode, \(J_{i,j} = \nabla_{x_{j}} f_{i}(x)\)

x0: `numpy.ndarray` or list of numeric

initial value of the states

t0: float

initial time

args: tuple, optional

additional arguments to be passed on

includeOrigin: bool, optional

if the output should include the initial states x0

full_output: bool, optional

if additional output is required

method: str, optional

the integration method. All those availble in ode are allowed with ‘vode’ and ‘ivode’ representing the non-stiff and stiff version respectively. Defaults to None, which tries to choose the integration method via eigenvalue analysis (only one) using the initial conditions

nstep: int, optional

number of steps allowed between each time point of the integration

solution: array like

a np.ndarray of shape (len(t), len(x0)) if includeOrigin is False, else an extra row with x0 being the first.

output : dict, only returned if full_output=True

Dictionary containing additional output information

key meaning
‘ev’ vector of eigenvalues at each t
‘maxev’ maximum eigenvalue at each t
‘minev’ minimum eigenvalue at each t
‘suc’ list whether integration is successful
‘in’ name of integrator
class pygom.model.ode_utils.compileCode(backend=None)

A class that compiles an algebraic expression in sympy to a faster numerical file using the appropriate backend.

compileExpr(inputSymb, inputExpr, backend=None, compileType=False)

Compiles the expression given the symbols. Determines the backend if required.

inputSymb: list

the set of symbols for the input expression

inputExpr: expr

expression in sympy

backend: optional

the backend we want to use to compile

compileType: optional

defaults to False. If True, return an extra output that informs the end user of the method used to compile the equation, can be one of (np, mpmath, sympy)

Compiled function taking arguments of the input symbols
compileExprAndFormat(inputSymb, inputExpr, backend=None, modules=None, outType=None)

Compiles the expression given the symbols and determine which type of output is it. Transforms the output appropriately into numpy

inputSymb: list

the set of symbols for the input expression

inputExpr: expr

expression in sympy

backend: optional

the backend we want to use to compile

modules: optional

in the event that f2py and Cython fails, which modules do we want to try and compile against

Function determined from the input using closures.
class pygom.model.ode_utils.CompileCanary

Hold the need for (re-)compilation for various functions

A subclass of this should specify the states to watch

They may all be tripped to True using the trip() method An individual may be reset with the reset() method or with a direct assignment (they may not be tripped in this way).


Reset a canary

name: string

the name of the canary to reset


Trip all the canaries Returns ——- None

pygom.model.ode_utils.plot_det(solution, t, stateList=None, y=None, yStateList=None)

Plot the results of the integration

solution: :class:`numpy.ndarray`

solution from the integration

t: array like

the vector of time where the integration output correspond to

stateList: list

name of the states, if available


If we have 5 states or more, it will always be arrange such that it has 3 columns.

pygom.model.ode_utils.plot_stoc(solution, t, stochastic_model)

Plot the results of a stocastic simulation

solution: :class: list

results of the stochastic simulation

t: array like

the vector of time where the integration output correspond to

stochastic_model: :class: `pygom.SimulateOde`

the model from which this simulation was generated


If we have 5 states or more, it will always be arrange such that it has 3 columns.


Check to see if the type of input is suitable. Only operate on one or two dimension arrays

x: array like

which can be either a numpy.ndarray or list or tuple

x: numpy.ndarray

checked and converted array

pygom.model.ode_utils.check_dimension(x, y)

Compare the length of two array like objects. Converting both to a numpy array in the process if they are not already one.

x: array like

first array

y: array like

second array

x: numpy.array

checked and converted first array

y: numpy.array

checked and converted second array


Test whether the input is a type that behaves like a list, such as (list,tuple,np.ndarray)




True if it belongs to one of the three expected type (list,tuple,np.ndarray)


Test to see whether input is a string or a list. If it is a string, then we convert it to a list.


str or list


x in list form