
Module/class that carries out different type of simulation on an ode formulation

class pygom.model.simulate.SimulateOde(state=None, param=None, derived_param=None, transition=None, birth_death=None, ode=None)

This builds on top of DeterministicOde which we simulate the outcome instead of solving it deterministically

state: list

A list of states (string)

param: list

A list of the parameters (string)

derived_param: list

A list of the derived parameters (tuple of (string,string))

transition: list

A list of transition (Transition)

birth_death: list

A list of birth or death process (Transition)

ode: list

A list of ode (Transition)

birth_death_rate(state, t)

Evaluate the birth death rates given state and time

state: array like

The current numerical value for the states which can be np.ndarray or list

t: double

The current time


an array of size (M,M) where M is the number of birth and death actions

cle(x0, t0, t1, output_time=False)

Stochastic simulation using the CLE approximation starting from time t0 to t1 with the starting state values of x0. The CLE approximation is performed using a simple Euler-Maruyama method with step size h. We assume that the input parameter transition_func provides \(f(x,t)\) while the CLE is defined as \(dx = x + V*h*f(x,t) + \sqrt(f(x,t))*Z*\sqrt(h)\) with \(Z\) being standard normal random variables.

x: array like

state vector

t0: double

start time

t1: double

final time

eval_birth_death_rate(parameters=None, time=None, state=None)

Evaluate the birth and death rates given parameters, state and time.

parameters: list

see setParameters()

time: double

The current time

state: array list

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

numpy.matrix or mpmath.matrix

Matrix of dimension [number of birth and death rates x 1]

eval_transition_matrix(parameters=None, time=None, state=None)

Evaluate the transition matrix given parameters, state and time. Note that the output is not in sparse format

parameters: list

see setParameters()

time: double

The current time

state: array list

The current numerical value for the states which can numpy.ndarray or list

numpy.matrix or mpmath.matrix

Matrix of dimension [number of state x number of state]

eval_transition_mean(parameters=None, time=None, state=None)

Evaluate the transition mean given parameters, state and time.

parameters: list

see setParameters()

time: double

The current time

state: array list

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

numpy.matrix or mpmath.matrix

Matrix of dimension [number of state x number of state]

eval_transition_var(parameters=None, time=None, state=None)

Evaluate the transition variance given parameters, state and time.

parameters: list

see setParameters()

time: double

The current time

state: array list

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

numpy.matrix or mpmath.matrix

Matrix of dimension [number of state x number of state]

eval_transition_vector(parameters=None, time=None, state=None)

Evaluate the transition vector given parameters, state and time. Note that the output is not in sparse format

parameters: list

see setParameters()

time: double

The current time

state: array list

The current numerical value for the states which can numpy.ndarray or list

numpy.matrix or mpmath.matrix

vector of dimension [total number of transitions]

exact(x0, t0, t1, output_time=False)

Stochastic simulation using an exact method starting from time t0 to t1 with the starting state values of x0

x: array like

state vector

t0: double

start time

t1: double

final time


Returns a list of:class:Transition from this object by unrolling the odes. All the elements are of TransitionType.B or TransitionType.D


Find the algebraic equations of birth and death processes


birth death process in matrix form


Returns the transition matrix in algebraic form.


A matrix of dimension [number of state x number of state]


Returns the set of transitions in a single vector, transitions between state to state first then the birth and death process


A matrix of dimension [total number of transitions x 1]


Returns a list of Transition from this object by unrolling the odes. All the elements are of TransitionType.T


Returns a SimulateOde with the same state and parameters as the current object but with the equations defined by a set of transitions and birth death process instead of say, odes

hybrid(x0, t0, t1, output_time=False)

Stochastic simulation using an hybrid method that uses either the first reaction method or the \(\tau\)-leap depending on the size of the states and transition rates. Starting from time t0 to t1 with the starting state values of x0.

x: array like

state vector

t0: double

start time

t1: double

final time

plot(sim_X=None, sim_T=None)

Plot the results of a simulation

Takes the output of a function like simulate_jump

sim_X: list

of length iteration each with (len(t),len(state)) if t is a vector, else it outputs unequal shape that was record of all the jumps

sim_T: list or :class:`numpy.ndarray`

if t is a single value, it outputs unequal shape that was record of all the jumps. if t is a vector, it outputs t so that it is a numpy.ndarray instead


If either sim_X or sim_T are None the this function will attempt to plot the deterministic ODE

If we have 3 states or more, it will always be arrange such that it has 3 columns. Uses the operation from odeutils

simulate_jump(t, iteration, parallel=False, exact=False, full_output=False)

Simulate the ode using stochastic simulation. It switches between a first reaction method and a \(\tau\)-leap algorithm internally. When a parallel backend exists, then a new random state (seed) will be used for each processor. This is due to a lack of appropriate parallel seed random number generator in python.

t: array like

the range of time points which we want to see the result of or the final time point

iteration: int

number of iterations you wish to simulate

parallel: bool, optional

Defaults to True

exact: bool, optional

True if exact simulation is desired, defaults to False

full_output: bool, optional

if we want additional information, sim_T

sim_X: list

of length iteration each with (len(t),len(state)) if t is a vector, else it outputs unequal shape that was record of all the jumps

sim_T: list or numpy.ndarray

if t is a single value, it outputs unequal shape that was record of all the jumps. if t is a vector, it outputs t so that it is a numpy.ndarray instead

simulate_param(t, iteration, parallel=False, full_output=False)

Simulate the ode by generating new realization of the stochastic parameters and integrate the system deterministically.

t: array like

the range of time points which we want to see the result of

iteration: int

number of iterations you wish to simulate

parallel: bool, optional

Defaults to True

full_output: bool, optional

if we want additional information, Y_all in the return, defaults to false

Y: numpy.ndarray

of shape (len(t), len(state)), mean of all the simulation

Y_all: np.ndarray

of shape (iteration, len(t), len(state))

total_transition(state, t)

Evaluate the total transition rate given state and time

state: array like

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

t: double

The current time


total rate

transition_matrix(state, t)

Evaluate the transition matrix given state and time

state: array like

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

t: double

The current time


a 2d array of size (M,M) where M is the number of transitions

transition_mean(state, t)

Evaluate the mean of the transitions given state and time. For m transitions and n states, we have

\[\begin{split}f_{j,k} &= \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{\partial a_{j}(x)}{\partial x_{i}} v_{i,k} \\ \mu_{j} &= \sum_{k=1}^{m} f_{j,k}(x)a_{k}(x) \\ \sigma^{2}_{j}(x) &= \sum_{k=1}^{m} f_{j,k}^{2}(x) a_{k}(x)\end{split}\]

where \(v_{i,k}\) is the state change matrix.

state: array like

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

t: double

The current time


an array of size m where m is the number of transition

transition_var(state, t)

Evaluate the variance of the transitions given state and time

state: array like

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

t: double

The current time


an array of size M where M is the number of transition

transition_vector(state, t)

Evaluate the transition vector given state and time

state: array like

The current numerical value for the states which can be numpy.ndarray or list

t: double

The current time


a 1d array of size K where K is the number of between states transitions and the number of birth death processes